Saturday, July 21, 2012

1st Grade Inattentivenss

1st Grade Inattentiveness

The first grade teacher lead the class in several songs. The students loved these moments; the amusing songs brought smiles to their faces—even to the teacher’s.

She announced a favorite song which had a superb ending. “Today, do NOT sing ‘Quack Quack” at the end; you ‘re too loud”

 As song began, an unaware girl in the third row was singing at the top of her voice, even until the conclusion when she belted out a raucous solo, “QUACK QUACK!!!!” 

The class and teacher turned and stared.

“Head down NOW,  you little rebel!”

Tears flowed in sheer humiliation. 


100 Word Challenge July 15, 2012

From Tilly: I am a newbie to blogging. Thank you for your comments and suggestions!

Tags: 100 word challenge, school discipline,childhood, feelings

1 comment:

  1. I know that feeling - I was one of those "inattentives" when I was in school. I was "lazy" and a "daydreamer". Of course, in the 1950's they had little idea of ADD and what it was all about.

    More's the pity.

    I love your piece. Well done.
